Kelli R. Parker

Let's get it done

Why you'll love me

My journey from newspaper newsrooms to creative entrepreneur gave me a distinct love for solving problems and a relentless belief that anything is possible.

I thrive in environments that require cross-functional collaboration, a deep respect for deadlines and the soft science of getting things done. With more than 20 years of corporate experience, I'm an expert in strong organizational and project management skills, with exceptional attention to detail. I don't do anything halfway. Ever. I can handle quick turnarounds while appropriately prioritizing ongoing assignments. I've spoken on business panels, been featured in magazines and on television, and I'm told I throw a great party.

Collaborative Vision

As a natural networker, I excel at working collaboratively and across diverse disciplines — executives, sales & marketing, product management, engineering, and beyond — to influence decision makers, lead teams, and move agendas forward.

Ambitious Problem Solver

I can roll up my sleeves and get granular as needed but I'm most comfortable as a thought leader providing action, support and inspiration alongside solid teams. With a solution-oriented mindset, I am an efficient strategic thinker who translates ideas into compelling solutions.

Protecting the Resource

A seasoned entrepreneur, I think like a founder and know when to make something a hands-on priority and when to delegate. It's more than just time management and communication. Beside every leader is a dedicated force multiplier.

my résumé

What they're saying

  • "Kelli is that rare person who is both incredibly creative and incredibly disciplined. Her work is always original, compelling and effective; her execution is flawless. Anyone who strives for excellence will find her a dream to work with."

    Sara Clemence, Author and Travel Writer
  • "Her work is clean, crisp, both tasteful and contemporary and reflects her intelligence, focus and uncompromising vision."

    Richard Lovrich, Creative Director
  • "Kelli is the only professional I have ever met who has deep expertise in numerous things. She is a lifelong learner and has the ability to match her talents with the needs of her team and her organization."

    Anthony Graves, Business Development Leader
  • "Everything you touch seems to turn into the best thing I've ever seen! Kelli, seriously, I don't know if I'll ever be able to thank you enough."

    Mary-Stuart Jacobstein, Former Client

Say Hello!

I'd love to hear from you.



Charleston, SC + NYC


212 321 0869